Upcoming Community Events
2/18/25, Jail Release Simulation, Alpena Community College, 11am-3pm, register here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/d96nqsg
2/18 & 2/19/25, ASIST Hands-On Workshop, 8:30am-4:30pm Hillman Community Center, NO COST, register below.
2/19/25, RISE to the Occasion, Otsego Resort, 3:30-8:30pm, *Students 6-12th grade-must live or learn in Otsego County*, NO COST
2/22/25, Family Winter Fun Fest, Bay City Town Center, 11-3pm.
2/22/25, 2 The Rescue Life Saving Training, Alpena Community College Fitzpatrick Hall, 9am-4pm, Register here.
2/27/25, Otsego FAN Forum MOVIE NIGHT, Gaylord Methodist Church, 6:30pm
3/5/25, Managing Contacts with Mental Health Challenges, Barton City Fire Department, 8am-12pm, register here.
3/5/25, Situational Awareness & Verbal Diffusion Workshop, Barton City Fire Department, 1-4pm, Register here.
3/18/25, SafeTALK- Suicide Alertness Program, 1st Presbyterian Church-Alpena, 5:30-9pm, register here.
3/20 & 3/21/25, ASIST Hands-on Workshop, St. John's Lutheran Church-Rogers City, 8:30am-4:30pm, register here.
4/4/25, Transforming Dementia Care, Alpena Community College Granum Theatre, 9am-4pm, registration required.
5/15/25, Lake Huron Veterans Benefit Fair, East Tawas Community Center, 10am-2pm, NEMCSA Staff Attending.