Request for Proposals for Federal and State Grant Funding
The AAA uses a formal advertising method that provides for the publication of a Request for Proposal (RFP) notice in newspapers within the Planning Service Area (PSA). The notice includes information on the Pre-bidders conference. Additionally, past recipients are notified electronically via email of the RFP release date. For applicants, the first step in the RFP process includes the submission of a mandatory letter of intent to be submitted prior to the pre-bidders conference.
The core services grants utilize a three-year cycle for funding awards and are done in conjunction with the AAA Multi-Year Plan (a requirement of the Aging and Adult Services Agency of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services). The annual grants are tied to the Multi-Year Plan, as well as the subsequent Annual Implementation Plans, and are available to bid on each spring. Both core and annual grants use the same RFP document and process.
All proposals meeting the submission deadline will be scored by a committee using a competitive process. The scoring matrix is strictly adhered to and is provided as part of the RFP. There is a minimum score that applications must meet to be considered for funding; however, attainment does not guarantee funding. Following the scoring process, the recommendations are presented to the Northeast Michigan Regional Council on Aging at its July meeting. Once approved by the Council, a recommendation then goes to the NEMCSA Policy Board for final approval at its August meeting.
**Note that the process to become a MI Choice Waiver Provider is a separate process