Enhancing quality of life by empowering individuals and strengthening communities.



Preschool child brushing teeth
There is more to being “school-ready” than just knowing the ABC’s and 123’s.  Health is an important factor in a child’s educational growth.  Children who are healthy, with no unresolved hearing, vision, dental, or other health needs, have an easier time learning because they are able to focus more on their education.  In Head Start, we are committed to ensuring each preschooler has access to the care they need. We work with families in establishing medical and dental homes, as well as health insurance coverage for their child, to ensure that required immunizations, dental care, and well-child physical (that includes screenings for hearing, vision, blood pressure, oral health, hemoglobin/hematocrit to check for low-iron levels, cholesterol, and blood lead) can be obtained.

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These materials were developed in part through grants awarded by the Office of Head Start and Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential.