Enhancing quality of life by empowering individuals and strengthening communities.


Crawford County NEMCSA Services & Programs

Early Childhood Services

Early Head Startearly head start

  • Services pregnant women and children 0 - 3 and their families
  • Comprehensive child development and early educational services (health, nutrition, family support services)

Pre School

Head Start / Great Start Readiness Programs (GSRP)head start logogreat start readiness program

  • Preschool education program for children 3 - 5 who come from low income families
  • Provides education, social services, health / dental, nutrition, mental health, and disability services to participating families

Region 9 Area Agency on Aging

What is the Purpose of the Area Agency on Aging?

The purpose of the Region 9 Area Agency on Aging is to plan, coordinate and develop a comprehensive service delivery system for the elderly within its planning and service area.  Some of the many programs under Region 9 are Community Based Care Services, Evidence Based Disease Prevention Services, Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, The Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program (MMAP), Volunteer Services and many more.  Click here to find out more.

Housing & Client Services

What Does the Housing & Client Services Division Do?nemcsa logo
Home Weatherization
  • The Weatherization Program can install energy efficient measures to help reduce the energy usage of households. Households must income qualify.
Foreclosure & Homebuyer Programs
  • Foreclosure Assistance
  • Financial Capability Program
  • Homebuyer Education
Rental Assistance
  • The Rental Housing Assistance Programs can provide case management and financial assistance (rent, security deposit and other supportive services) to homeless households and households at risk of homelessness.
Self Sufficiency Programs for Northeast Michigan
  • Bridges of Self-Sufficiency
  • Family Self-Sufficiency-Northeast Michigan CSA

Volunteer Programs

Consider becoming an AmeriCorps Seniors Volunteer and joining a network of professional volunteers serving in your community. We have three programs available to best suit your interests and circumstances:

Water Affordability Program

The Water Program is a program that provides funding to eligible, low-income households to assist with paying water and sewer bills. 

In addition to the many services and programs that NEMCSA provides to county residents, there are a multitude of other resources available.  CLICK HERE for access to Michigan 2-1-1.