Arenac County NEMCSA Services & Programs
Early Childhood Services
Early Head Start
- Services pregnant women and children 0 - 3 and their families
- Comprehensive child development and early educational services (health, nutrition, family support services)
Pre School
Head Start / Great Start Readiness Programs (GSRP)

- Preschool education program for children 3 - 5 who come from low income families
- Provides education, social services, health / dental, nutrition, mental health, and disability services to participating families
Region 9 Area Agency on Aging
What is the Purpose of the Area Agency on Aging?
The purpose of the Region 9 Area Agency on Aging is to plan, coordinate and develop a comprehensive service delivery system for the elderly within its planning and service area. Some of the many programs under Region 9 are Community Based Care Services, Evidence Based DIsease Prevention Services, Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, The Medicare/Medicaid Assitance Program (MMAP), Volunteer Services and many more. Click here to find out more.
Housing & Client Services
What Does the Housing & Client Services Division Do?
Home Weatherization:
- The Weatherization Program can install energy efficient measures to help reduce the energy usage of households. Households must income qualify.
Foreclosure & Homebuyer Programs
- Foreclosure Assistance
- Financial Capability Program
- Homebuyer Education
Self Sufficiency Programs for Northeast Michigan
- Bridges of Self-Sufficiency
- Family Self-Sufficiency-Northeast Michigan CSA
Volunteer Programs
Consider becoming an AmeriCorps Seniors Volunteer and joining a network of professional volunteers serving in your community. We have three programs available to best suit your interests and circumstances:
Water Affordability Program
The Water Program is a program that provides funding to eligible, low-income households to assist with paying water and sewer bills.
In addition to the many services and programs that NEMCSA provides to county residents, there are a multitude of other resources available. CLICK HERE for access to Michigan 2-1-1.