Enhancing quality of life by empowering individuals and strengthening communities.

Helpful Caregiver Information

Helpful Caregiver Information 

Being a caregiver can be one of the most loving and, at times, overwhelming things you can do for someone. Before it gets to the overwhelming point, browse our Programs and Services section for ways we can help or check out our helpful links to find information and tips.  

Logo image of two hands supporting an outline of the state of Michigan in shades of blue and green With Region 9 Area Agency on Aging making up the bottom half. Services and Programs is written below the hands.An image of a square with www inside and below is written Helpful Caregiver Links.an image of a building with a dollar sign, heart, a person and a clock circling above. Community Resource Finder is written below.

Drawing of a computer screen with Helpful Caregiver Technology written underneath.an outline of a house around the Region 9 Area Agency on Aging logo witch is the state of Michigan in blues and greens with Region 9 Area Agency on Aging making up the bottom half of the state.  with the words Homes for the Aged in Region 9 written below.2-1-1 Get Connected Get Helf.Image of two arms hugging a heart with the words Caregiver Self-Care written underneath.

Click the icon below for more information: 

Drawing of a building with Adult Day Centers written underneath.Powerful Tools for CaregiversImage of two hands supporting three circles, each with a dollar sign inside with two solid figures on top. Kinship Care Program written underneath.Image of two hands holding made up of words with Caregiver Empowerment and Wellness Conference written underneath. A drawing of an envelope with Caregiver Quarterly Newsletter written underneath.A drawing of a brain with Dementia Consultations underneath. Scam Alert, Information on Scams and Frauds.