Enhancing quality of life by empowering individuals and strengthening communities.

Kinship Care

Kinship Care Program

Kinship Care is a program for relative care providers caring for related children. If you are age 55 or older and caring for a related child under the age of 18, this program may be able to help you with expenses such as recreational activities, school supplies, clothing, needed furniture, and more. Funding is limited. 





Click the icon below for more information: 

Image of a building and below is written Adult Day CentersPowerful Tools for CaregiversImage of a lightbulb and below is written Helpful Caregiver InformationImage of two hands joined and written below, Caregiver Empowerment and Wellness ConferenceImage of an envelop and below it, Caregiver Quarterly NewsletterImage of a brain and below is written Dementia Consultationsimage of arms hugging a heart and written below, Caregiver Self-CareImage of a computer screen and written below, Upcoming Webinars

Kinship Handbook - Grandparents raising grandchildren

Kinship Flyer - Grandparents raising grandchildren

Local Kinship Care Program Coordinator List