Enhancing quality of life by empowering individuals and strengthening communities.


Relatives Raising, Relative Children (Kinship Care Program) 


Kinship care is the full-time care, nurturing, and protection of children by relatives, or any adult who has a kinship bond with a child. While kinship care is often a rewarding experience for both the child and the Kinship Caregiver, however, it can also come with many challenges so here are some resources that can assist in your caregiving. 


Image of two hands supporting dollar signs and two stick figure images. Under is written Kinship Care ProgramImage of the Raising Grandchildren in Northeast Michigan Handbook. Written underneath is, Kinship HandbookImage of a Flyer with Kinship Flyer written below it.Drawing of a building and below is written, List of Councils and Commission on Aging


Additional Resources: 

spartan logo for Michigan State University. Below is Kinship Care Resource CenterSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for Kinship Grand families Fact SheetHouse logo for D.A. Blodgett St. Johns. Under that is written, D.A. Blodgett St. John's Kinship CareOutline image of a computer screen. Under that is written, Dr. Joseph Crumbley's Supporting Kinship Caregivers Training Series

Click the icon below for more information: 

image of arms hugging a heart. Under that is written Caregiver Self-CareLogo that spells out Powerful Tools for CaregiversImage of a lightbulb above the words Helpful Caregiver InformationImage of two joined hands above the words Caregiver Empowerment and Wellness ConferenceImage of an envelope above the words Caregiver Quarterly NewsletterImage of a computer screen above the words Upcoming Webinars